
Analyze Your Short-Term Rental Market

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Tutorial Guide: Introduction to AllTheRooms

The following article explains the structure of our AllTheRooms short-term rental dashboard, the different sections and tools organization, how to navigate the different functions. It explains what is each tool, what is its purpose and what it will allow you to do and explains the different use cases for the different tools of the dashboard.

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Product Structure

AllTheRooms repurpose the short-term rental data of the planet based on the different needs of the users. Each use case requires data in a different way and for a different purpose, so AllTheRooms has developed a product where you can use our data if you are an Investor, a Host or an enterprise customer.

-Investor tools. People that want to invest in short-term rental have particular needs. We developed a whole set of tools to join short-term rental investors along their whole journey: when they start analyzing different areas, Identifying Markets w/ properties within budget, Validate Market Viability, Identify Comps and Property Attributes, to when they start. Some of the main tools that we included into the investors tool are: saved ares, market, competitor tracker en revenue calculator.

-Host tools. The hosts are a completely different market. Hosts are people that already own or manage a short-term rental property and want to use short-term rental data to optimize their earning, manage their pricing, monitor the market and its competitors and take decisions that allow them to improve their business. we are on the process of developing a set of tools to provide value to this market. we will keep you post it on the release of these features if you sign in to our data base.

-Enterprise tools. Lots of large companies require data to take very important decisions. Hotels, DMOs, Destination marketers, Tourism organizations and property managers are some of the targets that require custom reports to understand the market they work with and lead their companies and organizations successfully.


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Search Bar

Type your area of interest in the search bar and select a result. We use an open source polygon database - so its not 100% perfect. If you find there is an area missing, please reach out to us and we can look into adding it to our stack.

-Search by area: You can use our search bar to search by Neigborhood, city, state, zip code. Note that we may not store the exact neighborhood name, but have the postal-code - or vice versa. eg: 90210 vs. 'Beverly Hills' - so try various alternatives – if you still can't find it, contact us


-Use Nearby areas: Everything in Short Term Market Research revolves around finding your true Market. That's why we have additional ways to help you find the most accurate area for generating data:Use nearby areas for finding either nearby markets for comparison or markets inside your market.


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Investor Tools

Saved Areas

Our saved areas section has the purpose of organizing and give quick access to the areas an investor is evaluating in their process of analysis. This section will allow you to group areas and markets that you have visited before and also will show you the areas you have purchased and have an active subscription.

-Save areas of interest: Find all the areas you save on this section, once you save an area on the market section it will appear automatically in your saved area tab so that you can revisit that area the next time you use the dashboard.

-Differentiate Paid vs free: On the saved area section you will be able to differentiate which areas are you paying for and which ones you have saved with the free version. If you have purchased one area in the basic plan and one area in the pro plan you will be able to differentiate that as well.



Our market tool allows you to get all the data you need to know to asses a specific market. You can search a market, analyze the most important metrics of that market in a period of time and play with our filters to get information from a specific type of property. You can also navigate the map to search specific properties and analyze all the details from that specific property. After you _i_nput your market of interest on the search bar (it can be a city, a neighbourhood, a zip code) you can start defining some of the following patterns:

-Play with the Filters. Set up the filter to find data from the type of properties you are interested in. Define the provider (airbnb, Vrbo, the type of place and property, the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, and even the number of guests and amenities.


-Set up a period of time. Define the period of time you want to analyze. You can look at the data of one specific month, 3 months, 12 months, 4 years or even set up a specific range of dates. You can also filter by daily, monthly or yearly data. Use this filter based on what you need to visualize. If you are looking at yearly data it might be easier if you display information monthly, if you are looking into a specific month it might be better to display information on a daily basis.


-Analyze the main metrics. Explore all metrics we provide for the search terms you previously defined. Average Daily rate, Occupancy rate, Revenue, available supply, market revenue, nights booked, revenue per night, booking lead among others. If you have doubts about how to interpret these metrics take a look at our metrics glossary or roll over the information icon on the dashboard and you will find the explanation of the metric.


-Find properties on the map: Understand the density of the short-term rental properties on the map. Dig into different areas and analyze the performance of each individual property. You can click on the property dots and look into all the details of that specific property.

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Competitor Tracker

Competitor tracker tool allow investors to track and compare the performance of similar properties to the ones they are analyzing. Also it allows people to create different sets of properties with different characteristics and analyze if it is better to invest in a 2 bedroom or a 3 bedroom apartment.

-Filter the property type. It is important that you choose the properties you want to track and analyze, making sure they have similar characteristics. That way you are sure you are comparing apples with apples. Use the filter to specify the properties you want to analyze.

-Choose a property from the map. Look very closely every property you want to start tracking and comparing. Make sure it matches the characteristics you want. Make sure you choose properties that have been for a long period renting otherwise you will be analyzing properties that have been rented only a couple of times, you can open that property on Airbnb and look into the number of reviews they have.

-Track multiple properties. We recommend you to track at least 10 similar properties, create your competitors set and compare the main metrics from the different properties. Revisit each property and try to find why some properties are doing better than others.

-Analyze your Competitive set. Now that you created your competitive set you can take a loot at the average metrics of the selected properties. Find our what is the average daily rate, average occupancy rate, average booked rate and average future demand of the properties you selected.

Calculator Tool

Our calculator tool allows you to estimate the revenue property in a specific market can make. The purpose of this tool is to allow you to evaluate wether a market is attractive experiment with different types of properties to evaluate how does the revenue varies depending on the type of property you purchase.

-Define the parameters of your search. Input the area you would like to evaluate, then insert the number of rooms, bathrooms and guests for the short-term rental property and click on calculate revenue.

-Analyze yearly earning potential. Once you input all the data the calculator needs you will get an estimate of the yearly earning potential. The average daily rate for a property with those characteristics in the market selected and the average occupancy rate of a property in that area. Also you will be able to see the estimated revenue you will get for a property per year. If you would like to explore other areas you can go to the related markets that the tool will automatically suggest.

-Estimate your cap rate. Our Financial calculator will allow you to input the property purchase price & Operating expenses you estimate for the property to estimate the cap rate based on those 2 parameters. The cap rate will allow you to understand the rate of return on a property. Do the exercise with different parameters and compare different options.


-Unlocked Market. Do you still have doubts regarding the value that the dashboard can provide and what you will be able to see once you pay for the tool? Do no t worry. You can unlock aour sample market to see all features unlocked and get a sense of what you will get.

-View Tour. If you are not sure how to get started you can activate our View tour by clicking the button at the top and follow the instructions. we will show you step by step what are all the different actions and all the different buttons you can interact with.

-Help. If you continue to have questions you can click on our help button and access our guides, tutoriasl, FAQs and resources or contact our support team if you still have questions.

Final Comment

We have a full tutorial on each of the different tools for investors, make sure you understand how each of the tools work, how to save areas, how to use your overview tab, what you will find on market, how to use our filters properly, how to navigate our map and how to interpret our graphs. You will find more information on all of those topics. Learn how to make a competitor analysis and how to use our revenue calculator