
Analyze Your Short-Term Rental Market

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Tutorial Guides: Graphs


Our historical graphs will allow you to understand trends and metrics behavior better. It is not enough to see the main metrics at some point in time. Historical graphs will allow you to understand how has the behavior of a specific metric change during time. In our tool you will be able to compare different metrics and understand their correlation. Our graphs will also allow you to visualize information on a daily, monthly, weekly or yearly bases depending on your needs and the period of time you are considering in you analysis.

-Visualize 2 metrics at the time: If you select 2 metrics at the same time you will be able to see a graph with both metrics combined on the same graph. This will allow you to find any correlation between both behaviors. Does the ADR increase when the occupancy rate is higher? When the occupancy rate increases, is there an increase in revenue? If you click on “more metrics” you will be able to choose many other metrics and see them on the graph. Remember you can only choose a maximum of 2 metrics at the same time. Play with all metrics and find correlations and interesting behaviors over time.

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-Change dates easily: If you want to visualize a different range of dates you can move the gray line on the bottom of the graph and you will be able to easily change the dates you are visualizing on the graph. This feature will allow you to zoom in or zoom out on a specific period of time where you perceive a particular behavior.


-Analyze Percentiles: Percentiles allow you to measure how properties perform relative to the competition. If you choose a percentile 90th means you are visualizing the data from the 10% of the properties. In the example below it means that properties that are in the top 10% have an average daily rate of $213 while the average daily rate of all listings is $115. This analysis will allow you to understand how the top listings perform compare to the average. 


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-Set up a period of time. Define the period of time you want to analyze. You can look at the data of one specific month, 3 months, 12 months, 4 years or even set up a specific range of dates. It is important that you can play with the dates because it will help you understand how the metrics change based on the different seasons of the year. How does a weekend behave compared to other days of the week. what are the months with higher demand? what are the months where you should expect a decrease. Date filters allow you to make information more relevant to you.


Another important filter you can make is that you can display information on the graph daily, weekly, monthly o yearly. Use this filter based on what you need to visualize. If you are looking at yearly data it might be easier if you display information monthly, if you are looking into a specific month it might be better to display information on a daily basis.


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Final Comment

It is important to visualize data on a graph in order to understand historical performance and trends. Graphs allow you to identify seasonality, peaks and downs on the different metrics that you are analyzing.