
Analyze Your Short-Term Rental Market

As seen onSearch

How to create a Custom Market

Focusing your research on a set of specific listings can give you more targeted and detailed insights. Our Competitor Tracker tool allows you to create a custom market based on active listings in a specific area.

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Follow this tutorial to learn how.

Step 1:  Make sure you're on the competitor track tab.

Step 2: Use the map controls and your cursor to drag and zoom to specific neighborhoods. This is important since pricing and performance of listings will vary greatly depending on location.


Step 3: Refine your search by using the market filters - you have the freedom to select any listing to be part of your competitive set, but we suggest that you add listings that match the parameters that interest you. 


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Step 4: We’ve added ADR and occupancy rates for the last 12 months, as well as ratings and VRPS scores. This makes it easier for you to choose listings based on their performance.

When you find listings that you consider representative of your market, click on ‘start tracking’. This will add them to your competitive set table.


Step 4: Once you have at least 5 properties in your table, scroll down to our advanced charts where you can find historical and future data for your selected competitive set.
