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Most people want to travel the world. But what is it that stops people from doing it? A lot of travelers would say ‘money’. We all know a vacation can be expensive and people take time to save up so they can have their dream adventure. But what if you could travel without having to pinch the pennies for months in advance? Did you know you don’t have to be rich to see the world? There are loads of fantastic ways to get around the globe with no money. Here are a few insider tips for traveling on a budget:

casual, cheerful, daylight

Free Walking Tours

Many cities in Europe offer free walking tours, so you don’t have to spend money on being shown around. You get to learn about the city, see major sites and familiarize yourself with the surroundings. Ask your local tourist office, google ‘free walking tour (city name)’ or ask your hostel staff for information.


apartment, architecture, chairs

It’s a simple concept — house-sit and see the world for free. While people are away, you can stay at their house and do some chores to earn your keep. Water the plants; feed the dog or other types of domestic work. The homeowner gets the satisfaction of knowing someone is looking after their place and you get the sweet luxury of not having to pay for your stay. Got your interest? Try sites like,, and and secure your free accommodation.

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Use Savy Sites

Thanks to sharing-economy sites, you can be a host. Easily rent out your car, apartment or bike and use the money for travel. You’ll be earning while you travel and will easily afford to pay for travel expenses like your accommodation. Once your ratings as a host improve, you can charge users more. Use Airbnb to rent out your room or entire place while you’re on vacation, share the cost of fuel with travelers heading in the same direction with BlaBlaCar (ride sharing), book a tour with a local on Vayable, and even immerse yourself in the local cuisine with EatWith. 

Work Overseas

boat, greece, nautical

Bored with your office work or not making enough money? Luckily, there are tons of opportunities all over the world to travel and earn some dollar. Working on a cruise ship is an especially popular choice for students. The Cruise Lines International Association saw significant growth between 2011 and 2016 with more than a 20% increase in passengers. Other fun jobs abroad include waitressing, bartending, and teaching.


Some people might be skeptical about the idea of hitchhiking but fear not. The process is relatively common these days and a safe way to get to your destination for free. Naturally, safety is your number one priority. If you feel unsafe at any time, do not enter the vehicle — it’s best to hitchhike in pairs, keep a charged phone on you and always let someone back home know where you are and where you’re going. get out and always carry with you a charged phone. Central America, Australia, Scandinavia, New Zealand, and Eastern Europe are popular places to hitchhike.

Cook Your Own Meals

aubergines, bio, cabbage

Skip eating out and cook your own meals, it’s one of the best ways to save money while on the road. Go to the supermarket and stock up on snacks and ingredients for meals. Many hostels, guesthouses, and campsites will have a kitchen you can use freely to prepare dishes for the week. No problem if you don’t have a kitchen, make salads and sandwiches and carry them on the go. The money you save can be spent on gifts for people back home, or memorabilia from your time abroad.

Take Public Transport

This is an important one. You may not know this, but taxis and Ubers can be expensive if you use them as the only means of transport. Public transport can be easily accessible, convenient and cheap. Additionally, public transport is often a comfortable means of travel, a great way to take in the sights rushing by, and a snippet of what local life is like in your destination. 


Group of People Wearing Blue Volunteer Shirts

A popular word in the travel community, voluntourism is volunteer tourism: meaning to go on a trip and do something to help a community. In return, the community or funding organization provide you with accommodation and meals. Common voluntourism activities include teaching and building schools but be cautious and research your role before you arrive as not all voluntourism is beneficial for the host community. Look up destinations to volunteer or sites such as,, and post trusted international volunteering projects.

Bring a Friend

An excuse to socialize and save money, bring a friend with you on your travels and you’ll likely save more money in the long run. You can half your costs when it comes to accommodation, food, activities, and much more. Many places also offer discounts for group tickets, so the more, the merrier.

Travel doesn’t need to break the bank, irrespective of whether you’re exploring for weeks, months, or even years. With only a small budget, it’s possible to see big things. Download the latest in travel Apps to keep updated on how to pinch the pennies and share your money-saving tips and experiences in the comments section.

About the author: Jake Lester is an experienced content writer that is currently writing for PaperWriters about various spheres of life. The most recurring themes he covers are education, writing and marketing. He has his own writing style and this is why he is appreciated by readers.


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