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Summertime often means time to hit the road. Road trips might as well be a registered trademark of American culture, as many citizens have some connection, whether from childhood or later, to packing up the car and heading out. What most Americans don’t have experience with is taking a road trip in the buff, fully nude, au naturel. While the naturist community is no stranger to adapting normal everyday activities to fit their birthday suit desires, there may be a few new converts this summer as temperatures hit an all-time high. So for those considering a nude road trip across the states or elsewhere, for the first or fiftieth time, check out our suggestions about what to bring — we assume a clothing-optional getaway means you’ll have extra space in your suitcase.

Honestly, it’s just a good idea. With prolonged exposure, it’s possible to get sunburn even through car windows, so don’t assume you’re protected because there’s glass between your skin and the rays. Consider a high SPF for those places where the sun usually doesn’t shine. Disclaimer: nudists may need a trusted friend to apply the lotion to those hard to reach places. Non-nude note: sunscreen is always a must-bring for a roadie, especially when driving north and the sun begins to set in the west, beaming into the driver-side window and all of a sudden making the driver looks like a human candy cane.

Yes, it is a nude road trip, but until the rest of the country gets a whole lot more liberal, naked travelers are undoubtedly going to run into a few clothed folks. Also nothing kills momentum and confidence like getting a ticket for indecent exposure because of your love of public nudity.

Similar to what was mentioned above, it’s smart to be up to date on current laws and trends in the naturist community before embarking on a liberating vacation. While there are many resources, the American Association for Nude Recreation is a reliable reference for American naturists. Make sure in advance that those secluded beaches are actually nude beaches — it would be awkward to find out you’re on private property with your private properties showing.

Sure, not bringing the Doritos, trail mix, and those apple pies bought from a gas station on a barren portion of the 5 Highway might help the summer bod, but no one likes a hangry nudist. Seriously, being sad or angry while naked is not a good look, so keep that blood sugar high.

Perhaps the road trip has led to some clothing optional beaches, like Black’s Beach in San Diego, Haulover Beach in Miami, or even a clothing optional resort, which means bringing a towel is a multi-faceted choice for smart packing. Not only will it help whisk off potentially uncomfortable salt water after a skinny dip, it’s also an essential item used at naturist locations as a safe and sanitary place to sit.

As the road trip winds across the hinterlands of the West, perhaps it’s time to get in touch with nature. Nude hiking, a favorite sport for naturists, is a great way to feel extra-liberated and see some of the best places the country has to offer. It will be tough for nude hikers to get their soul in tune with Mother Earth if pebbles, thorns, and mud are wreaking havoc on bare feet.

The drive has brought us to Portland, Oregon, just in time for their yearly World Naked Bike Ride, held every June. Make sure not to be a nudist scrub that forgets their bike at home. Come prepared, and pedal into the sunset with a few thousand of your closest, and least-clothed, friends.

Whether in summer or any other time of the year, nights on the road can get chilly. For those 100% committed to all nude, all the time, you’ll want some protection from the elements.

Every road trip needs a good playlist. Here are some suggestions to set the mood to get nude.
I Want to Break Free — Queen
Hot in Here — Nelly
Stripped — Depeche Mode
Blue Moon — Elvis
I Feel Free — Cream
Bare Necessities — The Jungle Book
Underneath Your Clothes — Shakira
Shake it Off — Mariah Carey (Taylor Swift works as well)
Exposure — Peter Gabriel
Reveal — Celine Dion
You Wear It Well — Rod Stewart
I’ve Seen it All — Bjork
Africa — Toto (no hidden innuendo here, just a great song)